
As long as

the sun warms our skin,

the flakes give it chill,

and the fire scars it,

it is the same.


Stress is like ocean water:

you either

harness its energy

to move beyond boundaries

or you

flounder, paralyzed,

beneath its enormity.


We’re warned

about the dangers

of the world —

the heat of fire,

the power of water,

the shifting weight of the wind —

but the world

has never,


wounded me

like the dangers

in my heart.

Look Again

At any point

we can look

around us

and find

failure, shortcomings,

loss, and dead dreams,

but we should always

look again,

for those

are only stones


around the flowers

of love, grace,

triumphs, and hope,

and these vibrant


are worth admiring.

Social Media Mutiny

Social media debates

are ironic in their

nature and consequence;

you think

you are hurling assaults

upon an adversary,

but it is you,


that is slowly

becoming lesser;

online arguments

are a sort

of silent mutiny,

your own mind

pulling itself

further apart

with every
